Celebrating Our Class of 2020 Graduates

VCU’s L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs’ virtual graduation celebration took place on Friday, May 8 at 10 a.m. The school congratulated the recipients of nearly 300 professional, graduate and undergraduate degrees and certificates.
The Class of 2020 represents a multitude of diversity and includes 217 individuals earning first or undergraduate degrees, 61 graduates earning master’s degrees or certificates, and seven students earning their doctoral degrees. With this year’s class, the Wilder School now has more than 10,000 alumni.
The celebration site includes welcome remarks from Dean Susan Gooden, Ph.D. as well as inspiring remarks from L. Douglas Wilder, 66th Governor of Virginia and distinguished professor. In addition, this year’s student speakers included Layla Alanazi, Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration & Benjamin Madnick, Criminal Justice & Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness graduate.
In her video remarks, Gooden welcomes graduates to "a lineage that honors [their] endeavors, as well as the distinctive legacy of the Wilder School and its commitment to advancing the common good, ensuring that [their] education is, in the words of Governor Wilder, ‘not meant to serve yourselves, but to serve the public.’"
Wilder School students and faculty members interacted and celebrated virtually with one another on social media by sharing photographs and messages of appreciation and encouragement.
“Thank you for everything, VCU Wilder School, and VCU Psychology. It has been a fun, but challenging adventure. So proud to be a part of the amazing ‘ramily’ we have. I’ll see you all next spring to get my Master’s! Once a ram always a ram,” tweeted Skyler Lewis, criminal justice graduate.
“Congratulations to most resilient class ever,” exclaimed professor, Jay Albanese, Ph.D.
Congratulations to all Class of 2020 graduates.
Visit the Wilder School Virtual Graduation site to view all of the video messages and student slides.