Wilder School Honors Outstanding Students

The Wilder School recognized outstanding students for their academic, leadership and public service achievements at an awards program at the VCU Student Commons on Thurs., April 20.
“Today we are honoring the best of the best,” said Wilder School Dean John Accordino, Ph.D., FAICP. “I encourage you to celebrate your achievement, thank and acknowledge those who helped get you here, and give back and never forget you are part of a community.”
Students honored by program and the scholarships they received are as follows:
Public Administration
Black History in the Making Award: Ibrahim Keita
Outstanding Scholar Award: Brad Corallo
Public Service Award: Elizabeth Bilharz and Tanya M. González
Leadership Award: Blair Elaine Belote and Lashelle Johnson
Criminal Justice
Black History in the Making Award: Calvin Bartelle
Outstanding Undergraduate Award: Anthony D. Wojno and Nicole Nail
Outstanding Graduate Award: Jessica C. Smith
Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness
Black History in the Making Award: Stephen Guyton
Outstanding Undergraduate Award: Lisa Harper, Kayla DeNapoli and Justin Grubbs
Outstanding Graduate Award: Elizabeth Caroline MariAnn Davis Russ and Kendall Clifton
Urban and Regional Planning
Black History in the Making Award: Gwendolyn Griffin Marijean
Hawthorne Excellence in Writing Award: Elisa Kondo Rudolph
Peter Schultz Award for Outstanding Performance: Alexandra Dreybus
American Institute of Certified Planners Outstanding Student Award: Michal Voscek
American Planning Association, Virginia Chapter, Outstanding Student Award (undergraduate): Madison Elizabeth Wilson
American Planning Association, Virginia Chapter, Outstanding Student Award (graduate): Elizabeth Hancock Greenfield
Public Policy and Administration
Black History in the Making Award: Michael Perkins
Outstanding Doctoral Student: Award Brittany Keegan
Scholarship Recipients, Graduate:
Edward E. Willey Graduate Award for Excellence: Matthew Becker, Master of Urban and Regional Planning and Mitchell Smiley, Master of Public Administration
Eva S. Hardy Scholarship: Christopher Higgins, Master of Public Administration
Excellence in Virginia Government Awards: Graduate Scholarship Michael Handwerker, Master of Public Administration
Jeffrey S. Cribbs, Sr. Endowed Scholarship in Philanthropy: Suparna Dutta, Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration
John Marlles Scholarship: Lara McLellan, Master of Urban and Regional Planning
Leigh E. Grosenick Scholarship: Brittany Keegan, Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration
VCPA - T. Edward Temple Scholarship: Pavneet Kaur, Master of Urban and Regional Planning
VLGMA - T. Edward Temple Scholarship Brianna Anderson, Master of Public Administration
Wilder Merit Scholarship: Mariah Williams, Master of Urban and Regional Planning
Scholarship Recipients, Undergraduate:
Excellence in Virginia Government Awards Undergraduate Scholarship: Jacqueline Mashburn, Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness
Wilder Merit Scholarship: Victoria Ammon, Criminal Justice
James Hooker Memorial Scholarship: Brittany Mitchell, Criminal Justice
Tillett Scholarship: Gabriela Syska, Urban and Regional Studies and Planning